social stretch goals 2

Hello, Trailblazers of the Unknown,

we are very happy you liked our first expansion about the Luminary Monks faction. Well, in Sheol there are 3  factions so… stay tuned! 😉

In today’s update, we want to tell you about the new social goals and the “create a scout” contest. Let’s go!

Contest phase 1: done!

The first phase of our contest to create an original character for Sheol is concluded. We are reading all your submissions and they are really amazing! It will be a difficult choice for us to select the 4 winners. No spoilers at the moment! Mirko will prepare the sketches and tomorrow we will start the next phase of the contest: you will vote your favorite! The two characters with more votes will be refined for the final voting.

We really cannot wait to add the character you created to the lineup of Sheol scouts!

New social and daily goals

Our backers’ satisfaction is our most important concern, and we know that adding more content is one of the things creating an exciting Kickstarter campaign. For this reason, even if we still have some way to go to reach our funding goal, we are giving you more social goals and (starting tomorrow) daily unlocks to enrich the game – all things we can do, with a little effort, within the scope of the budget and business plan we prepared, and that we can guarantee to give you if we achieve our funding goal.  Our production cost will raise  by including them, but it’s something we can afford to do, to create as much game value as possible for you.

social stretch goals 2

Here is the Facebook post to share.

And here is our Instagram page.

We are sure you will help us to spread the word on your social networks and on BGG! You are really a great community and your comments make us proud of the work we did!

Thank you so much, Explorers of the Night! Follow us for the next updates.

Preserve the light!